September 11, 2023

10 Weight Loss Tips for People with a Slow Metabolism

Weight Loss Tips for People with a Slow Metabolism

Weight loss can seem like a battle, especially when your metabolism decides to crawl at a snail’s pace.

According to the American CDC, 74% of adults are overweight or obese. Guess what plays a massive role behind this statistic?

Right, it’s metabolism. If you often find yourself blaming your metabolism for those extra pounds, you’re not alone!

Understanding metabolism is like piecing together an intricate puzzle. But fret not, this is where our journey begins.

Prepare for an insightful exploration of this complex concept and behold the beginning of your transformation. Let’s start!


woman walking outside to lose weight

What Does It Mean by Metabolism?

Metabolism is the process of converting what you eat and drink into energy.

The energy your body burns at rest is known as Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR. Think of the metabolic rate as an engine’s power.

  • Your age: Metabolic rate tends to slow about 5% for every decade after 40.
  • Genes: Some folks just inherit a faster metabolism from their parents.
  • Lifestyle: Those with less active lifestyles usually have a slower BMR.

Why so? Because the more active you are, the more energy (calories) your body burns.

Yes, metabolism is directly linked to weight loss and weight gain.

For Those with Slow Metabolism Follow These Tips!

#1 Adjust Your Food

Fact: Certain foods can indeed give your metabolism a boost.

The Harvard Medical School endorses some common metabolism-boosting foods such as:

  • Lean proteins: Nourish your body and feel full longer.
  • Green leafy vegetables: Packed with nutrients and very low in calories.
  • Spicy foods: Several studies suggest spices like chili can boost metabolism.

Pop these foods into delicious recipes like spicy turkey chili or green leafy salad with grilled chicken. Trust me, your taste buds will celebrate as much as your metabolism!


woman smiling while eating a protein dish at her kitchen table


#2 More Water

Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining a healthy metabolism. A study showed that after drinking 500 ml of water, metabolic rates increased by 30% in both men and women.

Water-induced thermogenesis accounts for this increase in metabolism.

  • Start your day with a glass of water.
  • Drink water before meals—it can also help manage portion sizes!
  • Hydrate before, during, and after workouts.

woman drinking a glass of water at her kitchen table


#3 Schedule Physical Activity

Regular physical activity can significantly increase your metabolic rate. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can significantly boost your metabolism post-workout. This glorious phenomenon is called “the afterburn effect”. It means your body keeps burning calories even after you stop sweating.

How about starting with a simple 30-minute brisk walk? It might seem basic, but can be surprisingly effective!


Readhead woman running into a park


#4 Strength Training

More muscle mass means higher metabolism. Yes, strength training boosts your metabolism not only during the workout but also post-workout.

A study by Harvard researchers found that men who lifted weights for 20 minutes each day had less belly fat compared to men who spent the same amount of time doing cardio.

Give squats, push-ups, or lunges a try.

Now that you know the secret, take your workouts to the next level. You can add some more fun and exciting exercises like planks, glute bridges, and pull-ups. Make the adventure more daring by using weights when you feel ready.

Strength training does more than just help you look fabulous. It supports your bones, improves balance, and encourages good posture. Plus, it’s a cool way to become a healthier, happier version of yourself.


woman training at the gym to increase strenght


#5 8-Hour Sleep

Quality sleep and metabolism go hand in hand. Sleep deprivation can disrupt the hormones that regulate your appetite. A surplus of these hormones can slow your metabolism9.

Steps for better sleep:

  • Create a regular sleep schedule.
  • Limit caffeine and electronic screens before bedtime.
  • Make your sleeping space cool, dark, and quiet.


#6 Moderate Stress

Possibly surprising, but chronic stress can cause metabolic imbalances. Stress can put your body in survival mode, which slows metabolism as a protective response.

Use stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep-breathing exercises into your daily routine.


#7 Periodic Metabolic Health Check-Ups

Regular health screening is fundamental to monitor your metabolic progress. Annual physical examinations and blood tests can provide a clearer picture of your metabolic health.

Understanding and monitoring your metabolic health can help tailor your weight loss efforts. Remember, knowing your body is half the battle won!


a young woman doing a health checkup at the doctor's



Can I just drink hot water to speed up my metabolism like celebrities say?

Although some celebrities endorse drinking hot water as a weight-loss strategy, there is no scientific evidence directly linking hot water consumption to an increased metabolism.

However, staying hydrated with water at any temperature is vital for your body’s metabolic processes. Drinking water before meals may also help curb hunger, control portion sizes, and optimize digestion.

Is a slow metabolism easily reversible or am I stuck with it for life?

Don’t worry! While your genetics may play a role in your metabolism, adopting a healthier lifestyle through proper diet and regular exercise can improve your metabolic rate.

Factors like adequate sleep and stress management can also greatly impact your metabolism. It’s never too late to take control of your metabolism and embark on a weight-loss journey.

Is breakfast still important if I have a slow metabolism?

Absolutely! Eating a balanced breakfast is essential, especially if you’re battling a slow metabolism.

A nutritious breakfast jump-starts your metabolism by providing the energy your body needs after a night of fasting. Skipping breakfast may result in reduced energy levels and increased hunger, leading to overeating later in the day.

Is coffee my friend when it comes to a slow metabolism?

Yes, coffee can temporarily boost your metabolism. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and increases the release of certain hormones – like adrenaline – that promote a faster metabolism. Having said that, relying solely on coffee to accelerate your metabolism isn’t a sustainable or healthy strategy. Moderation is key––don’t forget to hydrate with water and consume a balanced diet.

How about a “negative calorie” diet for my slow metabolism?

The idea behind a “negative calorie” diet suggests that some foods require more energy to digest than the calories they provide – ultimately helping you lose weight. While foods like celery and cucumber may have low calorie content, no food has negative calories. Instead of focusing on “negative calorie” diets, cultivate a balanced diet with various nutrient-rich foods and maintain a regular exercise routine.

Are there any specific supplements I should take to boost my slow metabolism?

There’s no magic pill to instantly improve your metabolism. Although some supplements claim to accelerate metabolic rates, it’s essential to remember that they may not be regulated or proven to deliver on their promise. Always consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before incorporating supplements into your routine, as they can advise you on safe and effective options tailored to your specific needs.

Does sitting for long periods of time slow down metabolism?

Indeed, sitting for extended periods can contribute to a slower metabolism. Sitting for prolonged durations may lead to muscle loss, weight gain, and a sedentary lifestyle, all of which negatively impact your metabolism.

Schedule regular workout into your daily routine, like standing up and stretching every hour, taking short walks, or investing in a standing desk to keep you active and boost your metabolism.

Can Fasting Part-time Boost Your Slow Metabolism?

You’ve heard of intermittent fasting, right? It’s a weight-loss trick catch-on. But does it speed up metabolism? It’s a bit tricky. Some research says yes.

Mostly since fasting can lead to a calorie deficit. That can cause weight loss and better overall health. But! More studies are needed. Will fasting help in the long run? Ask a health pro or dietitian first. They will tell if it’s good for you.

Does Eating Hot Stuff Rev Up a Slow Metabolism?

Spicy foods. Some folks love ’em, others not so much. But can they fire up a slow metabolism? There is a wee boost, thanks to capsaicin.

It’s found in chili peppers. So you might burn a tiny bit extra. But don’t count on it for weight loss. Sadly, the boost is small. So tiny, it won’t change much on its own. But! Add hot food to a balanced diet and regular exercise. That might help you to tip the scales.

Can Nibbling Nonstop Kick-start Your Metabolism?

Can eating small meals more often rev up your metabolism? Well, it’s up for debate. Experts aren’t sure. Some think more meals equals a perkier metabolism. Others see no change. So, what can you do? Focus on what you eat and when. Count your calories. Watch the quality of the food. Then work out a diet and meal schedule. Make one that suits you and your weight loss goals.

Final Thoughts

What’s the takeaway? Boosting metabolism isn’t all quick fixes or gimmicky diets.

It’s about real lifestyle changes. Changes that touch many areas. Like food, water, action, sleep, stress, and check-ups. Keep your chin up! Everyone can aim for better health, no matter their metabolism. Ready for change? Here’s to a healthier and happier you!