Wellspring Camps Alumni Resources

Wellspring holds a special place in the hearts of alumni-a place where new challenges were met, new friendships formed, and where the path to a healthy weight was found.  If you’ve previously attended a Wellspring program, we invite you to renew your commitment to your healthy lifestyle with another amazing summer of fun, friendship and fitness.
The Wellspring Alumni Track

Campers rafting and posing for cameraThe special Alumni track at each Wellspring Camp helps alumni build on the knowledge and skills gained during a previous summer with Wellspring.  Together with your Behavioral Coach (BC), you will evaluate your progress since Wellspring and structure a program that meets your updated goals for continued weight loss and healthy living.

Alumni also help new campers understand the Wellspring Plan and the challenges they’ll face in turning their healthy camp lifestyle into a permanent lifestyle.

  • Another Great Summer: Many Alumni return primarily because they want to spend another summer surrounded by people choosing to live a positive, healthy lifestyle.  Many come back because friends from previous summers are returning, or because they’re looking forward to making a whole new group of friends. Some try a different Wellspring Camp with a new set of activities and adventures.

  • Accelerating Progress: Some participants succeed in maintaining or losing additional weight after leaving Camp, but wish to concentrate on getting closer to a healthy weight range and are confident that Wellspring is the place to do it.

  • Recommitting to Healthy Living – More Time to Practice: Wellspring is a safe haven for continued weight loss or maintenance.  Knowing that summer can be a risky time for weight gain, many campers return for additional practice in overcoming the biological, cultural and social barriers to permanent change.  For alumni who have struggled with their weight following Wellspring, additional practice is very likely to result in improved performance.
New, Fun Alumni Activities
Wellspring campers making a silly poseAlumni at Wellspring Camps not only have the opportunity to recommit to their programs during the summer, but they are also able to participate in new activities designed specifically for alumni! Camps offer alumni-only activities or off-campus outings, individualized Personal Training plans to learn new fitness tips and continue to hone your fitness goals, opportunities to teach and role model your skills within the camp community, and additional BC sessions to discuss how things went at home and goals you have for the coming year.

To apply for a camp’s Alumni Program this summer, click here and write “Alumni” in the Coupon Code box on the application.


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“After I lost 10 more pounds at home and had an amazing junior year, I decided I had to go back to Wellspring. My second summer at wellspring was just a productive as the first! With another 30lbs dropped in 10 weeks, I now am able to run my mile in 8 minutes and 24 seconds! When I first started Wellspring in 2009 I was at the back of the three mile morning walk and wishing I could be at the front. This past summer I was able to do just that!”

– Cassie B., Waco, TX, Wellspring Texas Camper

Wellspring Mentor Program
Wellspring recognizes that sustained weight loss requires commitment and maturity-two qualities that we foster at each camp. We honor our campers’ decision to maintain their healthy lifestyle by providing leadership opportunities for select camp alumni.

The Wellspring Mentor Program is designed to provide an additional level of healthy living immersion for select motivated participants. Mentors must complete an application with references and a successful interview with the camp’s Director to qualify for this program. To apply or for more information about benefits and requirements for the Mentor Program, call us at 866.364.0808.